CAPE has partnered with Pearson Connexus 9-12 Online and Blended Learning Curriculum for its High School Program. All courses offered have defined content standards and are UC '"a-g" compliant.
Each of the online courses offered to the CAPE high school students uses higher level thinking strategies and discussion. Students can join in virtual group chats with other students from around the country taking the same courses. They are explicitly taught about how to express one’s self through writing and fully develop though patterns both written and through vocal discussions. CAPE high school students are encouraged and invited to participate in creative outlets on the K-8 CAPE campus |
Pearson Connexus
CAPE uses Pearson Connexus online learning courses for High School instruction. All of these courses align with current Common Core, NGSS, and C3 standards. By using an online platform for our high school curriculum, we are able to offer courses geared toward both academic rigor of a select student and interests. CAPE administration and the high school coordinator are able to strategically plan a course of study to match the school’s learner outcomes and align courses and electives to match college and careers of the student’s choice
CAPE Hybrid Model
In addition to the online components of this program, high school students receive in-person support, guidance, and instruction from the high school coordinator. The coordinator helps facilitate course work, while also providing additional support for college- and career-readiness.
Tailored Learning - Personal Guidance
The CAPE high school coordinator sits with each individual student to develop their course list for the semester. One of the reasons why CAPE chooses to partner with Pearson Connexus is to be able to offer a much wider range of courses than CAPE could create on its own.
The online high school program adopted by CAPE allows CAPE administration to view progress on students and how they are performing with each task. Administration takes the time for “teachable” moments and meets with the high school students on a variety of life skill tasks (ie: how to send an appropriate email to a teacher or interview skills) High School Internships
All students who are enrolled in the CAPE high school have the opportunity and are strongly encouraged to complete at least one internship per year. Administration, the high school coordinator and student meet at the beginning of each semester to decide on possible future job choices and find an intern match within the CAPE community.
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